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New Beginnings or Old Beginnings

new beginnings, old beginnings, small changes, working, balance, working out, food, family, life, January changes, Can you feel it in the air or when you glance at social media? It’s a time for new beginnings or old beginnings…

I have to smile at my social feed in January. It’s full of dieting, working out, and complaining about pizza and holiday weight. Normally I would be jumping in and starting to worry about my size… (don’t get me wrong, I’m a girl who is overweight. I’m super concerned about it.) But January is not the month that motivates me to stick with whatever change is going on in my life.

January is a month for new beginnings that people have put off but it’s also for those of us who every February or March gave up on their goals. It’s old beginnings for me. The age old challenge of finding balance with food and exercise.

But it is not just balance with food and exercise — that’s where we always get it wrong. It’s also balancing food, exercise, family and our lives. To eat more healthily, it helps if everyone in the house is follownew beginnings, old beginnings, small changes, working, balance, working out, food, family, life, January changes, ing the same “food” or “exercise” plan as you. If not, you (really I mean me) find yourself compromising about having pizza and pasta in a row. You compromise about ice cream (Andy’s) and yummy desserts. Honestly you have to find the time and carve it out for yourself and it’s hard. So very hard. It’s hard when you are married. It’s hard when you have pets. It’s hard when you have a job. It’s hard when you are off. It’s hard when you have kids.

I guess what I’m saying is you have to find the right BALANCE for it all. Whether it’s choosing a salad and then the cookie or the burger and skipping the cookie. It’s making the small choices when you can’t do the big ones right now. It’s choosing more water vs the yummy Dr. Pepper (or whatever your favorite drink of choice is).  Do what you can when you can and be proud of that moment. Then do it again. Don’t get too discourage when you fail… Me and those Christmas cookies are a challenge daily!


How do you balance? Give me some tips and let’s keep each other accountable!

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