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My Gear=Canon

It’s a discussion I hear every day, week, month, year. Canon vs Nikon or something else. Well, for me, my gear has been Canon and probably always will be. It’s honestly not because I hate Nikon or anything else. I actually have never shot with it so yeah.

Walmart. Yup, my first “real” camera came from Walmart. Hate to break it to you, it doesn’t matter where you get it as long as you take it and learn it. I took my senior graduation money and bought my self a Canon Rebel G (film camera). I was so in love with it. I took my best friend’s senior pictures with it. It was so much fun. I fell in love with the idea of taking pictures of people.

Canon, powershot, gear, gear I carry, capture the moment, photography, NikonWhen college came, I bought this amazing little Canon PowerShot, digital. It was smaller than my phone and fit quite conveniently in my pocket. I loved it to pieces. Well in the first year of having it, I dropped it in the sand, the lens stopped working, and there was some other problem with it. Lol, I know with all those problems you would have thought I’dhave given up with Canon. However, it wasn’t like that. When I contacted their customer service people, they were the sweetest people possible. They were very helpful and were able to help me get the warrant on it. I still keep buying that type of camera. They are the best little cameras. I think the one I have now I’ve had since 2008 (?)

So when I went to buy my first digital SLR camera in 2009, I went straight to the Canon camera collection. Their camera was almost the same as my film camera from forever ago. It even took the same lenses. So I guess it was a no-brainer for me. It was the cheaper/more cost affective way to upgrade to digital. Now as I know more about the cameras I’m buying and starting to upgrade. Again I’m sticking with Canon. My lenses fit and I don’t have to buy different ones. (though I’d love to upgrade a few of those)

It’s not that I think one is better than the other. I think it’s about what brand you started with and fell in love with. Whether it was a film camera you had, or your family had. Or you just picked the cheapest option. It doesn’t matter as long as you practice and learn your specific camera!

What do you have? Why?
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Canon, Canon Logo, powershot, gear, gear I carry, capture the moment, photography, Nikon

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